KPAL Pet Adoption
To complete our Adoption Application, please visit
We’re happy to announce that we’re able to consider nonlocal families for pet adoption again!! More information can be found here:
How do we find homes for these animals that come into rescue?” It’s not as easy as it may seem. You can’t just walk into a facility and adopt. You can’t just fill out an application and *BAM!* you get a new pet. Kenai Peninsula Animal Lovers (KPAL) Rescue has a structured process in place to ensure our animals are adopted into safe homes that fit their unique needs and qualities.
This process is outlined below. Please note that not all who apply will move to the next step in the process. There are no waivers to this process. KPAL Rescue is strictly ran by volunteers, we have no paid staff so please be patient as your application is processed. We do not adopt outside of Alaska and we do not ship our animals.
Step #1: The Application! 📝
View our adoptable pets and complete the Adoption Application . Once submitted, this Adoption Application is sent automatically to our Adoption Coordinator at If you are applying for a puppy/kitten, please note that you will not be applying for one baby in particular but rather for one in the litter (if applicable). We do not adopt out two puppies from the same litter due to the high risk of Littermate Syndrome.
Step #2: The Background Check Zone! ⚠️
A background check is required to adopt from KPAL Rescue, this background check is completed by VeriScreen and costs the applicant $14. If you don’t want to complete a background check when adopting a new animal for your family, please consider adopting from your local Animal Shelter.
Step #3: The Home Interview! 🏡
You don’t have to be rich or live in a fancy house. You don’t have to have your house in tip-top shape for us – we are animal lovers, too, so don’t worry about your dog hair dust bunnies in the corner or that the kitty kicked litter out of its box and you haven’t swept it up yet – we get it! Our mission of these home interviews is to see the potential living quarters of the animal, have a face-to-face conversation, and to point out potential dangers for the animals (and ask you to fix them). A fence is not required for all adoptable animals (although it may be required in certain instances), but a containment plan is. What is also required is time: time to put into training, socializing, bonding with, and loving your new pet. We do understand you’re busy: you have a job, you have kids in sports and after school activities, and you volunteer, the list goes on; but we are looking for a place for these animals to be a part of the family.
Step #4: The Selection Process! 💭
We are looking for the best opportunity for our animals to succeed in their new homes. Our animals are NOT first-come/first-served, we are looking for the BEST fit. The animals are our priority. We speak for the animals. We place them in homes that we would be comfortable leaving our own pets in. Every single dog, cat, turtle, etc. is imprinted on our hearts and we find the best loving homes for them. Just because you aren’t selected as the perfect home for one animal does not necessarily mean you won’t be a perfect fit for a different one!
Step #5: The Adoption Finalization! 🥰
If you are selected for the animal then the final step of the adoption process is to make it official. At this point you will meet with a KPAL Representative to sign the Adoption Contract and to pay the adoption fee for the animal (which is $350 for dogs, for example). Our animals are placed with a return clause, if you ever had to come to the decision that you could no longer keep your animal then it must be returned to KPAL Rescue. Our animals are also placed into homes with spay/neuter clauses; your new pet will come to you spayed/neutered or you will have to arrive to the appointment that is scheduled for you (and the adoption will be finalized after that surgery). Our puppies are spayed/neutered at 12 weeks old – besides medical, there are no exceptions to this policy (medical exceptions must be written by a Veterinarian). Our adoption fee is non-negotiable – many times the costs of the animal’s vet care, spay/neuter, microchip, and age-appropriate vaccinations exceed the cost of the adoption fee.
If you have any questions in regards to adopting a KPAL animal, please contact us at Thank you for considering to adopt from our organization!